Simposio sobre combustibles alternativos con contenido de carbono bajo o nulo - 9 y 10 de febrero de 2021

Las innovaciones técnicas y la introducción mundial de combustibles y/o fuentes de energía alternativos para el transporte marítimo internacional serán fundamentales para alcanzar la ambición establecida en la Estrategia inicial de la OMI sobre la reducción de las emisiones de GEI procedentes de los buques.
Para hacer balance de estas iniciativas en curso, el Simposio de 2021 sobre combustibles alternativos con contenido de carbono bajo o nulo tuvo lugar virtualmente, en inglés solamente, el martes 9 y el miércoles 10 de febrero de 2021, en sesiones diarias de 11.00 a 14.00 (UTC).
El objetivo de este simposio fue mejorar la concienciación, presentar las investigaciones e innovaciones más avanzadas, analizar el avance de los combustibles alternativos con contenido de carbono bajo o nulo en la esfera del transporte marítimo internacional y examinar iniciativas para fomentar la disponibilidad, asequibilidad y adopción de futuros combustibles marinos.
simposio se retransmitió en directo para todo el público y puede verse en la cuenta de
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Programa y presentaciones
Puede consultar el programa completo del simposio aquí (en inglés).
Puede consultar el perfil de los oradores aquí (en inglés).
Day 1 Tuesday, 9 February 2021, 11.00 – 14.00 UTC
11.00 Introduction and opening remarks
Opening remarks by Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, IMO
11.15 Introduction of the Symposium by moderator, Mr Sveinung Oftedal (Norway – Chair of ISWG-GHG)
11.20 Block 1: Using alternative sustainable fuels. Lessons-learnt from alternative fuel use by shipowners
Mr. Xavier Leclercq, Director CMA Ships, CMA-CGM - Challenges faced and lessons-learnt on operating LNG-fuelled containerships
Mr. Paul Hexter, President, Waterfront Shipping Company - Experience from operating tankers on methanol
Mr. Cyril Ducau, CEO, Eastern Pacific Shipping - Testing biofuels on commercial maritime routes
Mr. Toshi Nakamura, General Manager, Green Business Group, NYK Line Green Business Group - Expectations from a shipowner on using ammonia as marine fuel for zero-emission ships
Mr. Simon Bergulf, Director of Regulatory Affairs for A.P. MØLLER – MAERSK - Decarbonization of shipping: new fuels, new regulatory framework, new reality around the corner
12.20 Q&A session
12.40 Block 2: Building alternative fuel-ready ships. State-of-play in shipyards, ship designers and technology providers
Mr. Peng Guisheng, Senior Engineer, Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co. (DSIC), China - Ammonia-fuelled 23,000 TEU ultra-large container ship concept design
Dr. Junkeon Ahn, Korea Maritime Transportation Safety Authority - A Korean perspective: 2030 Green Ship-K Initiative
Mr. Takeo Akamatsu, Deputy General Manager, Marine Department, ITOCHU Corporation, Japan Integrated Project for Development of NH3 Fuel Ship with Fuel Supply Chain
Mr. Ralf Oldenburg, head of EUROMOT delegation at IMO - EUROMOT - Building future-proof marine engines
Mr. Gavin Allwright, Secretary-General of the International Windship Association (IWSA) - Uptake and Market Development of Wind Propulsion Technologies: A Hybrid Solution
13.40 Q&A session
14.00 Close of the session
Day 2 Wednesday, 10 February 2021, 11.00 – 14.00 UTC
11.00 Block 3: Providing alternative fuels; building the supply-chain and required infrastructure. State-of-play of preparing for use of alternative fuels in the wider maritime industry
Mr. Peter Alkema, port of Amsterdam, Chair of the IAPH Working Group on Clean Marine Fuels - Lessons-learnt from LNG bunkering for bio-LNG and other alternative fuels
Ms. Linda Hammer, DNV-GL - Transition to zero emission solutions for shipping in Norway
Dr. Sotirios Mamalis, ABS - Hydrogen as Marine Fuel - Infrastructure and Fuel Supply Challenges
Mr. Daryl Wilson, Executive Director, Hydrogen Council - State of play, prospects, and barriers for hydrogen as a marine fuel
Dr. Bryan Comer, International Council on Clean Transportation (Pacific Environment) - Providing alternative marine fuels: Supply-chain sustainability considerations, required infrastructure, and how IMO can help
12.05 Q&A session
12.25 Block 4: Prospects for alternative sustainable fuels. Research & Development and demonstration projects, including involvement / opportunities for countries in the production and utilization of alternative sustainable marine fuels
Mr. Jesse Fahnestock, Getting to Zero Coalition Mapping of zero emission pilots and demonstration projects
Pr. Roberto Schaeffer, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Case study: prospects for alternative marine fuel production in Brazil
Mr. Benjamín Maluenda–Philippi, Head of Unit for New Energy Carriers, Division for Fuels and Energy Carriers, Ministry of Energy, Chile - The National Green Hydrogen Strategy of Chile
Dr. Jasmine Lam, Maritime Energy and Sustainable Development (MESD) Centre of Excellence, Singapore Will alternative fuels be ready for shipping to meet its GHG target in 2050?
Ms. Morna Cannon, Acting Deputy Director at Department for Transport (DfT), Ms. Ashley Stehr and Mr. Gwilym Stone from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) - Zero-carbon fuels in the UK Clean Maritime Plan
13.30 Q&A session
13.50 Summary and conclusion of the Symposium
14.00 Close of the session and of the Symposium