Women in Maritime - Training


IMO supports the Maritime SheEO Leadership Programme

IMO's Women in Maritime programme is sponsoring women from developing countries to take part in the SheEO leadership scheme. The Maritime SheEO leadership accelerator programme aims to equip women with the leadership skills and confidence to take a seat at the shipping decision-making table. The first two batches of the course, consisting of 8 weeks with a weekly commitment of 3-4 hours of learning, were held during 2022, and the third batch began in March 2023.

IMO gender-specific fellowships

Women in Port Management course, Galilee International Management Institute (GIMI), Nahalal, Israel

Since 2008, IMO has sponsored on average four fellowships per year for a two-week Women in Port Management course at GIMI. The course provides participants with key information and updates on innovations in the port industry. In 2018, financial support was increased and 10 fellowships supported women from developing countries to attend the course. As of 2023, the number of followships has increased to 15. IMO covers return airfare, tuition fees and a stipend.

Click here to visit the website.

Courses on Women in Port Management, Institut Portuaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche (IPER), Le Havre, France

Each year, in collaboration with the Le Havre Port Authority, two-week short upgrading courses are organized for female officials from maritime and/or port authorities of developing countries to improve management and operational efficiency of their ports. Lectures are delivered in either English or French on a variety of port matters including security, marketing, tariffs and logistics as well as facilitation of maritime traffic, ship/port interface and concession contracts. Visits are usually organized to the Port of Le Havre and the Port of Rouen, enabling the participants to experience for themselves the day-to-day operations of a port, with a view to applying this knowledge back in their respective countries.

For 2024, IMO will provide fellowships for 25 trainees to attend the English speaking course. If you're interested to apply please download the nomination form contained in the Circular Letter. IMO will cover tuition fees and provide a stipend.

Click here to visit the website. 

AtoN managers courses, delivered in partnership with the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA), IALA WWA, France

IMO's gender programme has also supported the participation of female mariners at the level 1 AtoN managers courses delivered by the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA). In 2018, IMO co-sponsored the participation of four trainees from four countries. IMO covered return airfare and a stipend.

Click here to reach the website.

Supporting women at IMO's global maritime training institutions 

World Maritime University (WMU) 

The World Maritime University (WMU) in Malmö, Sweden is a postgraduate maritime university established under the auspices of IMO in 1983. WMU is committed to the advancement of women in the maritime sector. In 2018, the Award for the 1000th female graduate was made to Ms. Naandem Rita Njin from Nigeria. By 2018, 1,029 females had graduated from the University, out of a total 4,919 graduates. The number of female graduates has increased steadily over the years - from four in 1985 to 79 in 2018. 

The WMU Women's Association (WMUWA) aims to establish a network of past, current and prospective female students by expanding international networks with other organizations worldwide while planning for future growth. Through this Association, IMO funds one female to attend WMU each year. Website: http://wmuwa.wmu.se/ 

IMO International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) 

The IMO International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI), in Valletta, Malta, was founded by IMO in 1988. IMLI trains experts in international maritime law. IMLI was the first UN body to include in its Statute a requirement that 50% of its places be reserved for women. 

Read more about IMO's global maritime training institutions here: http://www.imo.org/en/About/Pages/WMUandIMLI.aspx