Maritime Just Transition

The IMO Secretariat is pleased to support the Maritime Just Transition Task Force, which is looking at the maritime skills needed for a just green transition. This work is vital to the ongoing processes at IMO related to the future maritime workforce in a changing world.
The IMO Secretariat, along with the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), the United Nations Global Compact and the International Labour Organization (ILO) came together to launch the Maritime Just Transition Task Force at COP 26 in 2021. It is the first global sectoral task force dedicated to a just transition, enabled by the international nature of the maritime industry.
The Task Force will lead and coordinate efforts to work with governments, industry, workers and their representatives to ensure a safe and human-centred approach to achieving green shipping, stressing the principles set out in the ILO Guidelines for a Just Transition.
The aim is to ensure a people-centred transition to a zero-carbon shipping industry.
Consideration of training aspects for seafarers on ships powers by ammonia, methanol and hydrogen
The report (November 2024) from UN Global Compact, ICS and ITF provides industry perceptions and possible new or modified competencies and training for seafarers identified by the Task Force, to enable the transition from conventional fuels to alternative fuels. The report focuses on ammonia, methanol and hydrogen.
The report provides a distilled summary of the objectives, methodology, findings and conclusions acquired from 12 hybrid workshops that engaged 116 expert participants, mainly from the industry, and produced substantial considerations for each fuel.
This information may assist in informing IMO Member States in relation to ongoing work under the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) in relation to the development of a safety regulatory framework to support the reduction of GHG emissions from ships using new technologies and alternative fuels; and related work in the Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) on the comprehensive review of the STCW Convention and Code; and the work of the Sub-Committee on Cargo Carriage and Containers (CCC) on developing interim safety guidelines for various alternative fuels and future safety provisions in relation to alternative fuels.
Mapping a Maritime Just Transition for Seafarers
This Position Paper, launched during COP 27 in 2022, puts forward a 10-point action to achieve a Just Transition for seafarers.
Download here.
UN Global Compact: Kjersti Aass, Program Manager, Ocean Stewardship Coalition
ICS: Arvind Natrajan, Senior Manager