Fraudulent Certificates

The Sub-Committee on Standards of Training and Watchkeeping (STW), at its thirtieth session, expressed great concern about the proliferation of fraudulent STCW certificates of competency, or authentic certificates reportedly issued on the basis of forged foreign certificates, which had been found during port State control inspections and applications for recognition of certificates.

MSC 71, following consideration with great concern of reports from Member States on the proliferation of fraudulent certificates of competency and endorsements, approved MSC/Circ.900 on Fraudulent certificates of competency and that A 21 adopted resolution A.892(21) on Unlawful practices associated with certificates of competency and endorsements.

In accordance with STCW regulation I/5 (National provisions), Parties shall take and enforce appropriate measures to prevent fraud and other unlawful practices involving certificates and endorsements issued.

The STW Sub-Committee at its 38th session in January 2007 approved the revised format relating to reporting of fraudulent certificates detected and urged Member Governments and international organizations to use the revised format when reporting the detection of fraudulent certificates to the Secretariat (STW 38/17 annex 1).

Noting the large number of fraudulent certificates reported by Parties, the HTW Sub Committee has recognized that a strategy to address the problems associated with fraudulent certificates of competency could be beneficial.