Council, 112th session, 16-20 June, 2014

“Maritime education and training" selected as World Maritime Day theme for 2015
The Council endorsed a proposal by IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu to adopt “Maritime education and training” as the World Maritime Day theme for 2015.

Addressing the Council, Mr. Sekimizu said that it was pertinent and timely for IMO to focus its attention on the wider spectrum of maritime education and training, in particular its adequacy and quality. 

IMO as an organization supports the skills-based training events and the sharing of technical knowledge, through national and regional Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme (ITCP) training events and workshops, which provide short up-grading courses, based typically on the IMO Model Courses. On another level, the World Maritime University (WMU) and the IMO International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) are at the forefront of IMO’s capacity-building strategy, supporting post-graduate training in order to maintain a cadre of high level managers, policy makers and other key personnel. 

Britannia Seaways crew to receive 2014 IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea 
The 2014 IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea will be awarded to Captain Andreas Kristensen and his crew of the Britannia Seaways, nominated by Denmark for their courage and determination in fighting explosions and fire on board the vessel, at great risk and danger to themselves. 

The Council endorsed the decision of a Panel of Judges that their actions merited the top award, for saving the lives of the 32 people on board, preventing further damage to the ship and cargo and averting a major marine pollution incident. 

The Council also decided that, of the other nominees or groups of nominees, from a total of 35 nominations, received from 12 Member States and one non-governmental organization in consultative status with IMO, three should receive Certificates of Commendation and nine should receive Letters of Commendation. 

Maritime law expert Dr. Salgado y Salgado to be awarded International Maritime Prize
The Council decided to award the International Maritime Prize for 2013 to Dr. José Eusebio Salgado y Salgado, Mexican academic and author of the Manual de Derecho Internacional Marítimo (Manual of International Maritime Law), for his significant contribution to the work and objectives of IMO.

In nominating his candidature, the Government of Mexico drew attention to Dr. Salgado y Salgado’s distinguished career as an academic in international maritime law, during his 40-year tenure as a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).