Media accreditation

What are the requirements for IMO media accreditation?

You need to complete and return the IMO media accreditation form (available here or from IMO's Public Information Services). The form should be accompanied by a letter of assignment, on letterhead paper, from a bona fide media organization, addressed to the Public Information Manager at IMO and signed and dated by an authorized person (e.g., the Publisher, Editor or Bureau Chief). Letters of assignment must specify the type of coverage, event or project assigned; the period of time for which accreditation is required; and the name and professional function(s) of the individual(s) to be assigned.

What supporting materials are required?

In addition to the completed form and letter, print media representatives are also asked to submit two recent issues of the publication they represent. Independent TV production companies should additionally provide a letter from a broadcast organization which intends to air their work, and photographers are asked to submit original tear sheets or photos with credits.
We would also ask all applicants to submit a form of professional ID, such as a press card or a current business card.
Before accreditation is renewed, IMO may ask for work samples that demonstrate active engagement in covering the activities of the Organization. Samples must be unaltered clippings or media products of the accredited organization with bylines of the individual requesting renewal.

Online media

Online media (subject to all other criteria, online media may include news outlets, blogs, vlogs and others) must meet the following requirements, in addition to those above:

  • The website must belong to a recognized media organization and have a specific, verifiable street address and a telephone number.
  • The website must have at least 60% original news content or commentary or analysis, including coverage of maritime or IMO related issues.
  • Media representatives are required to submit two by-lined articles within the past month that were posted on the website.
  • The website must be updated at a minimum of twice a week.
  • Online publications which are communications outreach or advocacy publications of non-governmental or non-profit organizations do not qualify for media accreditation.

Are there any restrictions once accreditation has been given?

Media accreditation is only for coverage of meetings of IMO Committees and their subsidiary bodies at IMO Headquarters, and does not constitute an endorsement for any other purpose. Meetings of working groups and drafting groups will remain closed. At any time, the Public Information Service of IMO may revoke accreditation if it is put to improper use; if it is determined that the accreditation has not been used to cover IMO meetings; if it has been used to abuse the privileges so extended; or if personal or public conduct is deemed not to be consistent with the best interests of the Organization. The press pass must not be loaned to another person; IMO Security will confiscate any pass in the possession of any individual to whom it was not issued.

How to obtain your security pass

IMO's Public Information Service will inform you when your accreditation application has been accepted. The IMO Security desk will then issue you with a pass on the first day of the meeting or event you have been accredited to cover. This pass will be validated for the period for which accreditation has been given. If you are granted annual accreditation, your pass will be updated for each subsequent meeting you attend.

What to do if your pass is stolen or missing

If your pass is lost or stolen, you MUST immediately report it to the Public Information Service or to the IMO Security desk.

Keep us updated

You can help us to help you by making sure that our records are kept updated. Please let us know If there are any changes to the details you have submitted, such as change of company address or phone, fax or email details. You can email such changes to us at

If you change your job

Please note that individual accreditation is linked to a specific publication or media organization. If you move to another publication or media organization, you will need to re-apply for accreditation. Similarly, publications or media organizations cannot transfer accreditation between individuals.