On 25 June, IMO calls on everyone in the maritime world and beyond to get on board with this year's theme of gender equality and declare their support, with #IAmOnBoard.

This year's Day of the Seafarer campaign, with its hashtag # IAmOnBoard, links with the IMO World Maritime Day theme, Empowering Women in the Maritime Community.
The International Day of the Seafarer is celebrated each year on 25 June. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is calling on everyone in the maritime world and beyond to get on board with this year's theme of gender equality and declare their support.
"# I Am On Board" can be used by anyone engaging in the campaign, male or female, to show their solidarity for gender equality in seafaring.
"To everyone in shipping – you are missing out on a huge talent pool if you don't recognise and empower women in the workplace. Join our Day of the Seafarer campaign and get on board with gender equality at sea," said IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim.
This year's Day of the Seafarer campaign, with its hashtag # IAmOnBoard, links with the IMO World Maritime Day theme, Empowering Women in the Maritime Community. The theme supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically SDG 5.
"Gender equality is vital for sustainable development. Join our Day of the Seafarer campaign to promote seafaring as a career for women," Secretary-General Lim said. "I'm on board with gender equality at sea. Are you?"
Day of the Seafarer champions
As in previous years, the campaign is centred on social media. All IMO's social media platforms feature, including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
This year, three Day of the Seafarer champions have pledged their support for the campaign and they will be sharing their photos and stories on social media. They are:
Pilot Elizabeth Marami, the first female pilot in Kenya: https://www.instagram.com/lizmarami/
Captain Kate McCue, the first United States female to captain a cruise ship: https://www.instagram.com/captainkatemccue/
Captain Wendy Williams, the first Canadian female to captain a cruise ship: https://www.instagram.com/captainwendywilliams/
Virtual wall - Make one change
What would you do if you were able to make just one change to achieve gender equality in seafaring?
IMO is urging seafarers, shipping companies and individuals of all genders to share their thoughts on the virtual wall: https://dayoftheseafarer.imo.org/2019/
Day of the Seafarer 2019
The Day of the Seafarer is marked annually on 25 June. The day celebrates and recognizes the unique contribution made by seafarers from all over the world to international seaborne trade, the world economy and civil society.
Website http://www.imo.org/sites/imocloud-Dev/en/About/Events/dayoftheseafarer/Pages/day-of-the-seafarer-2019.aspx
Hashtag: # IAmOnBoard
Virtual wall: https://dayoftheseafarer.imo.org/2019/
IMOHQ YouTube: Video 1 – IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim asks you to identify one change and tell IMO on the virtual wall.
IMOHQ YouTube Video 2 - IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim says he is on board with gender equality - are you?