A new IMO brochure details key priorities and the Organization’s programme of technical assistance to support Member States, particularly those categorized as Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs). More than a third of IMO’s 175 Member States are classified as SIDS or LDCs. 

All Hands on Deck is available as a booklet and online – download it here 

Launching the publication at the conclusion of the first day of the 73rd session of the Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim said: 

 “For the first time, IMO has brought together all the different elements that we prioritise…A single technical cooperation strategic framework to illustrate, in a visual form, our key priorities and strategies for supporting Member States to meet their international obligations, and to promote their commitment to sustainable maritime development,” the Secretary-General said. “Member States can see the type of assistance available to them, and our donors and implementing partners are able to see where and how they can contribute to moving Member States along the capacity building pathway.” 

 IMO is committed to supporting safe, secure and efficient shipping, and to preventing marine and atmospheric pollution from ships, in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The IMO technical cooperation programme sets the strategic framework to assist Member States meet their international maritime responsibilities.