Regional Conference "Seizing opportunities for green shipping in Asia and the Pacific"


Read more about the conference here.

"Seizing opportunities for green shipping in Asia and the Pacific"  

A Regional Conference on the theme "Seizing opportunities for green shipping in Asia and the Pacific" was co-organized by the Philippines through the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), the Danish Maritime Authority of Denmark, and the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

The two-day conference explored the challenges and opportunities that lie within the green transition of the shipping sector, and provided a venue to discuss regional perspectives and priorities in the current negotiations of the IMO Strategy on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from ships and its regulatory framework. The conference further provided opportunities to discuss how to promote green shipping in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. It explored concrete solutions and shared knowledge from different regional experiences where concrete steps have been taken towards the green transition of the shipping sector. The event took place on the 16 and 17 May 2023 in Manila, Philippines.


Please find the provisional programme here.

The programme includes sessions on:

1. Energy efficiency

2. Green shipping opportunities

3. IMO GHG negotiations



The green transition is one of the greatest challenges that the shipping sector has ever faced. Key drivers of change include an ambitious and global regulatory framework, energy efficiency measures, development of new technologies, investments in renewable energy and infrastructure as well as new ways of working together - especially between the public and private sector.