IMO Symposium on alternative low- and zero-carbon fuels for shipping


Ensuring a just and inclusive transition towards low-carbon shipping

The symposium focused on the challenges and opportunities that renewable fuel production represents in the context of shipping decarbonization, particularly for developing countries, and the need for enhanced cooperation at all levels to support this global transition. It was held on 21 October 2022 at IMO Headquarters in London and online. 

The symposium was open to all Member Governments, IGOs, NGOs and the general public. 

Please find a summary of the event here

Watch the introductory video of the symposium - Producing future marine fuels here:


Programme and presentations

Please find the programme below or download the Programme here

09.30- 09.38 Opening remarks by the Secretary-General Mr. Kitack Lim – Secretary General, IMO

09.38- 09.40 Message from the Minister of Energy of Chile Mr. Diego Pardow – Minister of Energy, Chile

09.40- 09.45 Introduction of the Symposium Mr. Arsenio Dominguez – Director Marine Environment Division, IMO

09.45- 11.00 Block 1 – Overcoming barriers to global access to low- and zero-carbon marine fuels

Moderator: Ms. Katharine Palmer – UNFCCC Climate Champion


  • Ms. Elizabeth Connelly – Energy Technology and Transport Analyst, International Energy Agency. Outlook: Shipping's future energy demand projections to 2050. Please see her presentation on 19:41-28:42 min on IMO Symposium video 

  • Mr. Kenneth Tveter – Head of Green Transition Group, Clarksons. Are low-carbon fuels a sustainable solution? Please see his presentation on 29:00-35:33 min on IMO Symposium video 

  • Ms. Shamika Sirimanne – Director Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD. Trade perspectives on shipping decarbonization. Please see her presentation on 52:38-1:00:35 min on IMO Symposium video 

11.30- 13.00 Block 2 – Opportunities of the fuel transition for developing countries

Moderator: Mr. John Fatuimoana Kautoke - Adviser, High Commissioner, Tonga


  • Ms. Claudia Octaviano - Climate Change Mitigation Coordinator, INECC, Mexico. Fostering renewable energy production in developing countries. Please see her presentation on 2:00:24-2:15:20 min on IMO Symposium video 

  • Mr. Waleid Gamaleldien, Chairman, Suez Canal Economic Zone, Egypt. Experience sharing: How to establish a green fuel hub. Please see his presentation on 2:16:03-2:23:43 min on IMO Symposium video 

  • Mr. Yanxian Cai – Vice President, China Classification Society (CCS). Potential for on-board carbon capture technology in shipping. Please see his presentation on 2:53:25-3:01:44 min on IMO Symposium video 

14.00- 15.20 Block 3 – How to accommodate a 'just and equitable' transition towards low-carbon shipping

Moderator: Ms. Fernanda Milicay – Minister, Permanent Representative to IMO, Argentina


  • Ms. Atina Shutz, Researcher, Micronesian Center for Sustainable Transport. Specific opportunities for SIDS and LDCs: improving access to climate finance for mitigation and adaptation in the most climate vulnerable countries. Please see her presentation on 4:56:51-5:06:18 min on IMO Symposium video 

  • Mr. Goran Dominioni - Economist, World Bank. How to allocate revenues of carbon pricing instruments. How to allocate revenues of carbon pricing instruments. Please see his presentation on 5:07:39-5:16:08 min on IMO Symposium video 

  • Mr. Fabio da Silva Vinhado - Director, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Brazil. Experiences in using low carbon fuels. Please see his presentation on 5:42:59-5:53:56 min on IMO Symposium video 

  • Mr. Gerardo Borromeo – Vice Chairman and CEO, Philippine Transmarine Carriers (PTC) and 'Just Transition Task Force'. Building a green and resilient low-carbon shipping economy: job creation, skill development and capacity building. Please see his presentation on 5:54:51-6:02:45 min on IMO Symposium video 

15.20- 15.30  Findings and conclusions: Improving international and national collaboration within the shipping-port-energy nexus to ensure a "just and equitable" transition

Mr. Arsenio Dominguez – Director Marine Environment Division, IMO

Event details

Photos of the event can be found here.

Watch a recording of the IMO Symposium on low- and zero-carbon fuels for shipping here:


More information about the previous Symposium on alternative low-carbon and zero-carbon fuels (9-10 February 2021) can be found here