Day of the Seafarer 2021

Campaign Summary
Thank you to everyone who took part and showed their support on #DayoftheSeafarer 2021. The campaign reached a staggering 51 million people on Twitter and thousands on other social media platforms. The polls have gathered key insights on important topics surrounding a fair future for seafarers which will be reported to our stakeholders.
Seafarers, we are listening
Leading up to the 25 June, seafarers were invited to answer questions on what a fair future for seafarers looks like. The answers have been shared and will provide a soundboard to help guide our actions moving forward.
You can view the poll results below.
2021 campaign - Fair Future for Seafarers
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, seafarers found themselves both on the front line of the global response and subject to difficult working conditions surrounding uncertainties and difficulties around port access, re-supply, crew changeovers, repatriation, etc.
In light of this, the 2020 Day of the Seafarer campaign focused its message around urging governments to recognize seafarers as key workers and ease travel restrictions for them to facilitate crew changes.
The 2021 Day of the Seafarer campaign continued to encourage governments to support seafarers amid the pandemic but expanded its message, calling for a fair future for seafarers.
The campaign discussed issues that are continuing to be elevant to seafarers after the pandemic, such as fair treatment of seafarers, fair working conditions (in line with ILO's Maritime Labour Convention), fair training, fair safety, etc.
Watch the message from IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim
Video Poem
Message from the Secretary General of the United Nations
Campaign hashtags
#FairFuture4Seafarers was the hashtag for the campaign.
Seafarers themselves can use the hashtag to voice their position on what a fairer future for seafarers includes and looks like.
Support organizations can also join in and use the hashtag to demonstrate how they support seafarers and what they hope for a fairer future.
Shipping companies and port organizations were invited to show their appreciation for seafarers.