Polar Maritime Seminar


Polar Maritime Seminar

IMO and The Nautical Institute jointly organized the Polar Maritime Seminar at IMO Headquarters (31 October to 1 November). The Seminar provided an update on Polar shipping developments, including vessel activity trends, regulations and governance. 

Read a summary of the Seminar here

Photos of the Seminar can be found here

Programme and Presentations

Please find the programme and presentations below or download the Programme here

Day 1

Master of Ceremonies: Mr. Jack Westwood‐Booth, Senior Deputy Director, Maritime Safety Division, IMO

09.30 ‐ 10.00: Opening and Welcome Address

  • Dr. Heike Deggim, Director, Maritime Safety Division, IMO

  • Mr. John Lloyd, Chief Executive, The Nautical Institute

  • Video about the Polar Regions, IMO Communications

10.00 – 11.00 Panel 1: Trends in Arctic and Antarctic Vessel Activity

Moderator: Mr. Drummond Fraser, Marine Safety Policy Advisor, Transport Canada

1 Trends in Arctic and Antarctic Vessel Activity Prof. Jackie Dawson, University of Ottawa, Canada

2 IAATO Operator Vessel Patterns in Antarctica Ms. Lisa E. Kelley, Deputy Executive Director / Director of Operations and Government Affairs, International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO)

3 RRS Sir David Attenborough and the Polar Code Capt. Matthew Neill, Master of RRS Sir David Attenborough


11.30 – 12.15 Panel 2: Polar Regions Regulatory Developments

Moderator:  Mr. Peter Oppenheimer, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA  

1 Maritime Safety Regulatory Developments at IMO Dr. Sascha Pristrom, Polar Code Implementation Officer, IMO

2 Maritime Regulatory Development within the framework of the Antarctic Treaty: Background and Future Challenges Mrs. Patricia Ortúzar, Director, National Antarctic Programme, Argentina


12.15 – 13.00 Panel 3: The Arctic Indigenous Community: Update

Moderator: Mr. Andrew Dumbrille, Advisor, ICC

1 Building Alliances at the International Maritime Organization ‐ Focus on Black Carbon Impacts in the Arctic and Inuit Led Management of Pikialasorsuaq

Ms. Lisa Koperqualuk, President, Inuit Circumpolar Council, Canada, and Mr. Kuupik Kleist, President, Inuit Circumpolar Council, Greenland


14.00 – 15.00 Panel 4: Developments in Polar Ship Design and Construction

 Moderator:  Mr. Rob Hindley, Head of Machinery & Structures, Aker Arctic

1 Ship Design Developments in the Polar Regions Mr. Rob Hindley, Head of Machinery & Structures, Aker Arctic

2 Low Sulphur fuel used by ships in the Arctic: Types, characteristics and consequences of spills Mr. Jon‐Arve Røyset, Senior Advisor, Norwegian Coastal Administration

3 Environmental Regulatory Developments at IMO  Mr. Loukas Kontogiannis, Technical Officer, Marine Environment Division, IMO


15.00 – 15.45 Panel 5: Ice Limitation Methodology: POLARIS Review

Moderator: Mr. Michael Kingston, IMO Consultant

1 POLARIS Update: Current Usage and Status Mr. James Bond, Director, Polar Research and Ice Class Ships, American Bureau of Shipping

2 POLARIS Update: The Way Forward Mr. Rob Hindley, Head of Machinery & Structures, Aker Arctic


16.15 – 17.00 Panel 6: Underwater Noise from Ships

Moderator: Dr. Sascha Pristrom, Polar Code Implementation Officer, IMO

1 Review of the 2014 IMO Guidelines for the Reduction of Underwater Noise from Commercial Shipping to Address Adverse Impacts on Marine Life   Ms. Michelle Sanders, Alternate Representative of Canada to IMO

2 Underwater Noise in the Arctic Dr. Melanie Lancaster, Senior Specialist, World Wildlife Fund Arctic Programme


Day 2 

09.15: Opening: Mr. Jack Westwood‐Booth (Master of Ceremonies)

09.20 – 10.15 Panel 7: Search and Rescue

Moderator: Mr. Ian Lancaster, Principal Advisor International, Maritime New Zealand  

1 Search and Rescue in the Antarctic Ms. Barbara Hickey, Principal Advisor International, Maritime New Zealand

2 Space Technology for Arctic Search and Rescue Dr. Knut Espen Solberg, Project Manager, Norwegian Space Agency 

3 Lessons Learned from Arctic Search and Rescue Exercises   Mr. Benjamin Strong, Director, Amver Maritime Relations, United States Coast Guard

10.15 ‐ 11.15 Panel 8: Training and Education

Moderator: Mr. John Lloyd, Chief Executive, The Nautical Institute

1 Polar Operations: Experience Counts Capt. Duke Snider, CEO Martech Polar

2 Competence of Judging Ice Conditions Mr. Jarkko Toivola, Chief Maritime Specialist, Director, Waterways, Head of Maritime Unit, Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency

3 Lessons Learned from IMO Polar Waters Workshops Mr. Milton Baron‐Perico, Technical Officer, Maritime Safety Division, IMO

11.45‐12.45 Panel 9: Support Related to Safe Polar Navigation

Moderator: Mr. Peter Oppenheimer, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA)

1 A Hydrographic Perspective Ms. Pia Dahl Højgaard, Danish Hydrographic Office, Arctic Regional Hydrographic Commission (ARHC)

2 Ice Services Support for Safe Polar Navigation Mr. Keld Qvistgaard, Senior Ice Advisor, Greenland Ice Service ‐ Danish Meteorological Institute / Operations, International Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG)

3 The WMO Supporting Maritime Safety in the Polar Regions Dr. Sarah Grimes, Head, Marine Services Division Services Department World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Mr. David Wyatt, Maritime Specialist/Advisor, Marine Services Division, Services Department, World Meteorological Organization (WMO)


13.45 ‐ 14.45 Panel 10: Fishing Vessel Safety

Moderator: Mr. Michael Kingston, Consultant, IMO

1 Introduction to 2012 Cape Town Agreement for the Safety of Fishing Vessels Mr. Ari Guðmundsson, Consultant, Pew Charitable Trusts (PEW)

2 Status of 2012 Cape Town Agreement Mr. Cagri Kucukyildiz, Technical Officer, Maritime Safety Division, IMO

3 Relevant projects in progress to promote and accelerate the ratification of the Cape Town Agreement Mr. Andrés Galván, Maritime Affairs Attaché to IMO, Spain

4 Fishing Vessel Safety from an Icelandic Perspective Mr. Sverrir Konráðsson, Maritime Specialist, Icelandic Transport Authority

14.45 ‐ 15.30 Panel 11: Voyage Planning

Moderator: Mr. Drummond Fraser, Marine Safety Policy Advisor, Transport Canada

1 Planning a Late Season NSR Voyage Mr. James Bond, Director, Polar Research and Ice Class Ships, American Bureau of Shipping

2 Voyage Planning – Challenges and Gaps in Implementing the Polar Code Dr. Sian Prior, Consultant, World Wildlife Fund (WWF)


16.00 – 16.45 Panel 12: Insurers and Inspections in the Polar Regions

Moderator: Mr. Michael Kingston, Consultant, IMO

1 Insurers Perspective and Contributions to Safe Polar Shipping Mr. Matthew Wells, Senior Class Underwriter – Marine Hull and War, AXA XL Insurance, and Representative of Lloyd's Market Association's Joint Hull Committee's Navigational Limits Sub‐Committee

2 Port State Control and the Polar Code: Challenges and Possibilities Mr. Martin John, Head of Survey, Certification and Manning, Danish Maritime Authority

16.45 ‐ 17.00: Closing remarks

More information


  • Safe Seas video introducing the Cape Town Agreement and its technical requirements, by The Pew Charitable Trusts: